Your donation allows a woman in need to obtain the necessary care, support, and services to feel whole again. Any amount is helpful and greatly appreciated!


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Option 1: The CAPS Foundation / CAPS for the Cure

These funds are made possible due to the generousity of the CAPS FOUNDATION. They concentrate on services that insurance companies many times consider cosmetic and not medically necessary. These services include nipple tattooing, cold cap therapy, and microblading eyebrows. Donated money is raised at the CAPS for the Cure event held by Columbus Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. This service makes such a difference in the lives of survivors and thanks to the doctors at CAPS, women can feel whole again, regardless of where their reconstructive surgery took place.

*I am to proud to be the sole provider of nipple tattooing services for CAPS for the Cure.

If you’re interested in donating outside of a planned CAPS event please call 614-246-6900 or visit

Option 2: OhioHealth

If you feel inclined to make a donation to this fund yourself, please click the link below & choose “Integrative Care Fund" as the designation. In the additional info/comment section please state you wish your donation to be applied to fund nipple areola tattooing with Living Story Tattoo, The Nipple Fairy.

*I'm very happy to be a part of the Ohio Health family and to participate in the foundation as a provider!

Option 3: AiRS Foundation

“To be a resource and a support system for the women who have had mastectomies as a result of breast cancer or BRCA+ genetic mutations, educating them on reconstruction options, and ultimately assisting them with the cost of reconstructive surgery.”

The AiRS Foundation is a non-profit founded by Janet Denlinger and Morgan Hare, women whose success in business motivated them to find a way to give back to our community. To that end, they asked Dr. Rod Rohrich, the founding Chairman of the Department of Plastic Surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, to suggest ways he felt they could make a difference. He told them about the issues related to breast reconstruction surgery after mastectomy, and that led to the beginning of establishing the AiRS Foundation.

*I am proud to be a participating provider for nipple tattooing services in the AiRS FOUNDATION.

If you feel inclined to give please choose to click the clink below.

To round up a credit card change:

For a one time donation:

Option 4: DIEPC Foundation

“This is your resource and support for all options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy.  Whether you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, are at high risk of developing breast cancer and are facing mastectomy, you have support here through the Foundation.  Real patients, real stories, and evidence based medicine are what you will find to help you make an informed decision when deciding if breast reconstruction is the next step in your own breast cancer journey.”

*I am proud to be a medical resource for nipple tattooing for the DIEPC Foundation.

Option 5: Pink Ribbon Good

Pink Ribbon Good provides healthy meals for the entire household that are ready in minutes, rides to and from appointments and treatments related to your diagnosis, housecleaning essentials including natural cleaning supplies and a lightweight vacuum as well as virtual and in-person peer support and education. All of our services are provided free of charge and are designed to allow our clients and their families to simply focus on the fight.

*I am honored to be a resource for medical tattooing for PRG.

Option 6: Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance

Areola tattoos play a vital role in a person’s physical and emotional healing after breast cancer. Our aim is to make these tattoos more widely available within the breast cancer community by helping to fund the tattoos and connecting people with experienced and MTA approved artists.

Thank you kindly for helping others by paying it forward. Your gift truly is life changing.

Copyright © 2021-2023.

The Nipple Fairy®️ &

Living Story Tattoo L.L.C.